
Showing posts from July, 2022

Ice it down!

Ice It Down!   I live in the far north woods for many reasons, but a major one is I don't do heat well.   So along comes global warming and the heat has found me.  I admit to being a bit jealous as some of you described keeping your glass dildos in the freezer before use. Kind of seemed like an unfair advantage.  So I tried ice myself.  The image was hard to capture because the ice melted so fast and my fingers were so wet BUT it felt fabulous.  Thank you all for the inspiration!

I'm pulling for you

  pulling for you     It seems like this has been a tough time for many. What with the unending heat, the viruses, some physical maladies and war.  Or just the plain uncertainty of life. Just remember, we are ALL in this together.   I'm pulling for you.    

It's HOT

It's HOT out   We seem to have fallen under the spell of a never ending heat wave. And there is no relief in sight. It's too hot to even wear clothes. So I'm sitting under a fan and the cool breeze blowing on my crotch gives me something else to think about.

She said

She said      in a low sexy voice, "you can leave your hat on". But when I did she laughed.