The Performance Pouch Story
The Performance Pouch Story I hate shopping. I hate everything about it - unless it's to the hardware or music store. So when I needed new underwear I went online. These were described as: white, stretch briefs with a performance pouch. Just your basic pair of men's underwear. This was a bad purchase decision. Now, don't you think that somewhere in that description they should have said "see-through"? Or maybe "performance pouch" is a synonym for that. Like I am supposed to perform in them. Another clue should have been that they were only $5. So it's not worth the hassle of returning them. So when Molly gave us the October prompt of "clothes on" I thought of these right away. But about that "performance pouch" ... I just assumed they were talking about how it provided some sort of active support. Wrong. If they are going to be performative I thought I should turn them into wet bri...