Sticky Fingers


 swinging dicks

A female reader of this blog asked me to provide better visuals to my older writing "What feels good to me".  what feels good

So this odd post is my attempt to do that.   I could also have called this post "fun with dicks".

Did you know that when you swing your cock around like this:

That this is what happens?



Which makes my dick slit DELICIOUSLY slippery - I love that feeling.



Anonymous said…
I know this man and have loved seeing his erect dick for 15 years. There's nothing he ever hides. I know every detail of his penis......Sharon S.
Anonymous said…
Swing baby swing! Keep that dick swinging. Cassie
Anonymous said…
Nice penis swinging motion and jerking off for us young ladies Thanks!

Jen and Bonnie, TGC members
Anonymous said…
This makes me wish I had one of my own so I could swing it around! - mariasybilla
JerBear said…
mariassybilla, it's our loss you aren't posting here as much anymore. But thank you for looking and especially commenting so I know you're there. Take care, have fun, be safe.
molly said…
Oh yeah, swing it. I think I would definitely be doing that if I had a dick


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