visual entertainment system

 visual entertainment system

 My wife brought home this mini-trampoline to use as an exercise tool in her workroom.

As with most things she deems healthy and good for you, she strongly encouraged me to try it. 

But when I did she only laughed and didn't suggest it again.




Anonymous said…
That's a pretty neat circular mini-trampoline. I can see how it stimulated your penis to an erected condition. The slo-mo adds to the erotic impact for the female visual observer. It's accurately described as a, "female visual entertainment system." Yvonne
Anonymous said…
Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, let’s all of us cheer!

Anonymous said…
Oh, hell yes. TGC must have one of those female visual entertainment systems. Sharon?

Zelda, TGC photographer, member
Modesty Ablaze said…
LOVE it ... wonderful photo fun !!!

Xxx - K

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