Zelda's command


 zelda's command

 I made this post for a friend. But please indulge my posting it here too (I'm doing it on a dare).


Zelda is an artist.   She uses her camera to capture photos and videos of male nudes - often capturing live masturbation scenes.   She has an extensive portfolio of these scenes and as such I was honored when she made this comment  on my "cumming for Cassie"post


 "Now it’s my turn. Do it for me!".

So, this one's for you, Zelda.   I took an afternoon and captured different looks to add to your collection.



Anonymous said…
I feel so honored that you jacked off especially for me. Now I can tell Cassie you did it for me too, not just for youngsters. Sharon has had nothing but high regards of you and has said you encouraged her to break out sexually at a critical milestone age in her life. Breaking out would be an understatement. So we owe you a big thanks.

Zelda, TWC photographer, member
Anonymous said…
Being an active club member and around fully nude males and having them cater to us is a way of life for me and my friends. But they are from a much younger generation. Seeing you masturbate and squirt that white cum is sexy as hell.

Bonnie, TGC member
Modesty Ablaze said…
Simply lovely ... has me scrolling up and down again and again. And of course love the "ending" !!!

Xxx - K
molly said…
Great series but I love finding the comment at the bottom from Zelda.


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