The bulge- undone

 The Bulge - undone


 Just Why?  Why don't they make men's underwear that accommodates erections?  Or maybe they do and I just don't know about it ...




You can't just fold up an erection and make it fit in the pouch.  It's very stiff. So, what's a guy going to do?




Gemma Jones said…
I love that image with your fingers grasping your balls. It appears like you are trying to contain them but in reality you are "encouraging" your arousal by applying pressure
Modesty Ablaze said…
But ... I do so LOVE seeing you bursting out of yours!
And "bursting" to your very ending !!!
Xxx - K
molly said…
To be fair the undies where actually doing quite a good job with the mesh sides allowing for some, umm, enlargement


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