celebrating a grey life


The thing about self-photos is they show you as you really are, not as you imagine yourself to be. 

And once that imagining is dispelled you have to deal with it as best you can.  

When did all my pubic hairs turn grey? 

Well, it's an honest look.   My attitude today is that every single grey hair was earned by living a full life.




Anonymous said…
Very nice dick. Jen, Cassie, Susan, Zelda and Morgan at an unofficial TGC team meeting at the boss's abode. Being served by David sans clothing as usual.
Molly said…
Ahh yes, so far I have only found one or two in mine but I actually think they look kind of sexy and as you say, they are marks of a life fully lived

Molly said…
Thought you might like to know that your post is in this weeks round-up


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