These stories were written for women, many by their request and some based on their actual adventures. Your comments are highly valued and greatly appreciated.
Missing in action
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My muse has been sidelined by stupid computer problems. This is to let her know I was thinking about her in her absence.
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Anonymous said…
I'm here, JerBear,, watching you play with yourself. Let's up those daily strokes from 500 to 1000. Sharon
Molly's Therapy Couch OK everybody, please scoot over I need some time on Molly's therapy couch. It's not the couch I'm laying on in the picture, it's where we get to unload our feelings about the image - or the image capture process. There's a backstory to this pic I need to talk about. I've mentioned here before that I feel slightly broken or "off", that I feel total shamelessness in posting nude and erect photos, and that felt wrong. That all changed this weekend. I female friend who has a small Woman's club (they meet regularly to share porn gifs and get served wine by nude males); she knew that I was going hunting in the far North-woods and would I be interested in making an outdoor male masturbation video for their next meet and post it on my blog so they could watch? Hmmm, the chance to show myself to a group of women? Took me half a second to agree. I did it, but it wasn't easy, turns out 20 seconds is about the size video t
Plan B such a beautiful day and I'm not fornicating Adilia Lopes That's my condition as well. I call a female friend Say I'm horny as hell. she suggests a cold shower. Crap! Not only was that unpleasant it fails in its mission. I'm reconsidering her friendship status. I'm left with plan B. I hate distance. You meet the best people and they are always so far away.