a CFNM story


 In her stern voice, she told me to get undressed. NOW!

And so I did.

 When Sharon called and said she had use for me this afternoon and to come over, I didn't know that she'd already have a guest.  Her friend Morgan was there and judging by the smile on her face THEY had plans.   I've been naked in front of Sharon before - many time actually, but not in front of multiple women.  What they wanted and what I was about to do made me get hard - real fast.  And that compounded my embarrassment - a LOT.  I tried to pretend it was no big deal and then arrange myself so as to not look all bunched up, but that was taking too long for Sharon.  She said "I told you now! quit messing around and strip!".

And so I did.

The women stared at my nude body for a while, then Morgan said "I think he'll do".  This statement left me confused and even more embarrassed.  But my embarrassment quickly turned to shame as Sharon gave me my next instructions and tossed me a nylon cord.  "I don't want that thing loose and out of control! Tie it up JerBear. Morgan will tell you how."  As Morgan gave me instructions, (which included a lot of "tighter" commands) my erection was squeezed into a tight knot and I felt that any control I thought I had over my situation - and my cock - were an illusion. I felt like my manhood was being snatched away. 

When the tying was done, Sharon told me to hand the cord to Morgan - that we had a lot to do today.

So I did.

Morgan gave a hard pull on the cord and led me to the door - and to the outside!

Luckily there wasn't traffic on the sidewalk.  Sharon seemed a little disappointed about that.  But while we starting to get into the car another vehicle came by with a female driver.  She honked a few times and stuck a "thumbs up" signal out her window.

After being led to the river by Morgan, Sharon allowed me to untie her leash.   Then I started to hear laughter and a lot of female voices from the other side and I got very concerned. What is this place, where are we and who are all of them?


But Sharon pointed her finger at my cock and nodded her head and I knew what she wanted me to do.  She'd given that signal  before with just us two.  She's expecting me to masturbate!  Now. Here in the open with others obviously around.  "JerBear" she said, "this cord makes a pretty good whip as well as a leash.  Do it NOW". 
As I started sliding my hand up and down my shaft, the laughter from across the river gots louder - mixed with a few cheers.  When I heard the cheers my fears diminished and my movements get faster and more intense.  But Morgan shouted orders for me to slow down "We got a long night ahead JerBear, you can't cum until I give you permission.  If I ever do".  


So even though I felt deep embarrassment and strong shame for what I was doing; and that I was doing it for an audience and that I was allowing a woman to humiliate me by ordering me to masturbate.  It was almost worse that Morgan making me do it a certain way.   But gradually the pleasure took over my other emotions and I felt charged by all the women watching him.  I was soon lost in the pleasure of my actions and started to enjoy my hand sliding up and over my dick head which had become slick, warm and slippery with anticipation.

As soon as Sharon noticed this change in me, she stopped the action and told me that was enough for now.  She had other plans for the day. 

"JerBear" she said, "I'm speaking at the Female Empowerment Seminar today. The power of female sexuality knows no bounds. Our sexuality is a very powerful tool. For women, our sexuality can be a force because it attracts males, on our terms.

You will remain totally nude, you given up your sexual modesty for the visual benefit of women who appreciate seeing your body. You will not be allowed to cover your private parts because your private parts are no longer private. Your erect penis symbolizes your total submission to the power of the female sex.

Each of the women will have the opportunity to physically sexually examine you, JerBear and feel the sexual power they have harnessed.  You are just a demonstration model.  Don't mess it up."

Morgan drove us over the bridge to the other side of the river and JerBear finally got to see their destination.  It was a large area with a stage and a grandstand the latter was starting to fill with women of all ages and types. Even though the leash had been removed, JerBear still felt like he was being pulled along as he followed Sharon up and onto the stage.  With her finger she motioned him to kneel down beside her, facing the grandstand.  She whispered to him "JerBear do NOT let your erection drop. It's a sign of respect for all these women that you maintain a hard cock.  If you don't (she then took a long stick from the lectern and smacker it against her hand) I will show the audience how to administer corporal punishment.

Sharon's threat was scary, but thankfully wasn't needed.  I could feel all of the women's eyes on my dick and it created its own heat.  Staying erect wasn't a problem - the problem was keeping from grabbing my dick and sliding my hand up and down the shaft - which my dick was demanding me to do.

Sharon turned to the audience and delivered her message of strong female control over the male's sex. I was tuning in and out because of my distracting erection but I heard this part loud and clear:

"Ladies, the idea of sexual denial is intimidating for the male, as well as the acquired discipline of resisting the temptation to ejaculate when he’s ready. Of course, the most important thing is he must be fully naked at all times, with no exceptions.

Putting a woman in control, the nude male submits to her guidance, that every step of his masturbation session will be decided for him, by his female keeper – from the exact hand position to his pace of stroking."

To illustrate her point, Sharon asked Morgan to direct a masturbation demonstration.  Morgan started with "you will not cum, JerBear - or it'll be bad for you". Then she told me where to place my hands and how fast to slide them. Occasionally telling me to point my cock towards the audience so they could better see.

Ladies, I am going to direct JerBear to masturbate for thirty minutes in ways in which he may or may not experience ejaculation. The decision whether he ejaculates or not is mine and mine alone.

Notice, he sliding his foreskin back and forth across his intensely aroused glans.

JerBear, point you cock upward so the ladies can see the underside of it.

Ladies, see how the under cord runs from the base of his penis to his glans and notice how swollen it is from intense sexual stimulation.

Slow your stroking, JerBear. That’s it.  Remember, don’t you dare cum. I will decide after thirty minutes if you can ejaculate today, or maybe tomorrow or next week.




Sharon's presentation was a rousing success, in my case it was an "arousing" success.

But she wasn't done.  stepping down from the stage I saw a pony cart had been set up.  Sharon's idea was that I'd pull her on it, through the crowd, giving everyone a close up look of my erection.  Morgan thought that I'd look better if my skin was oiled so she applied that - liberally to my dick as well!

And we set off through the crowd.

After several trips through the crowd - with frequent stops for women who wanted to congratulate Sharon on her speech (and get their picture taken with the ponyboy or to fondle my dick making comments about Morgan's directions) we finally parked the cart and went inside the clubhouse.  The chairwomen of the female empowerment committee were meeting and the topic was how to build on the momentum of the day. 

Sharon looked at me and said "JerBear get the wine and serve these ladies" then she winked at Morgan and said to the group "Morgan and I have a plan to promote this".

"Oh", she added, "be sure to dress up ... there's a bow tie in there for you to put on".  The women all laughed at that.  But I put it on.

I got a call from Sharon the next day.  She said that my training wasn't complete.  What she now required was for me to do a complete write up of my experience at the female empowerment seminar.   That way, she said, the lessons I learned would be remembered and internalized.  And Oh, she added, she and Morgan had taken plenty of photos on their phones and would add them to my writing so that they can be shared with others. 

I was embarrassed and felt some shame at hearing that.  But at the same time, my cock started twitching.

If you enjoyed reading and seeing this, you have Morgan and Sharon to thank - and so do I.


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