A Fallen Angel
In the Hebrew bible, the angels thrown out of heaven followed the most beautiful angel in rebellion and were thrown down to earth. I'm not casting myself in with that lot.
But I did have the foolish belief that in my 70's it would be no big deal to go out in 5 degree weather and cast my naked body into the snow and make a snow angel for your viewing enjoyment. Scratch that off the bucket list.
So wrong. So stupid. So painful.
I did feel that I let you down in a previous post whining about the cold weather and hence posting a pic from long ago. I wasn't going to do that again. So I got the fireplace in the cottage all toasty and warmed up and then went out. The cold impact on my skin was immediate. And after tossing myself in, I thought it would be cold - but it felt like my skin was on fire! I give myself an A for effort and an F for an incomplete project. But thought I should share.
As a child of The Sun, I am definitely not planning to lie naked in the snow any time soon though! Thank you for sharing.